Valve Procedures

The heart has four valves. These valves can get chocked up or have leakage. Depending on the problems in the valves, minimally invasive procedures like balloon mitral valvotomy (BMV), Mitraclip and Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR or TAVI) can be performed. Our doctors have been trained in USA for conducting the above procedures safely.
TAVR or TAVI is a minimally invasive procedure done when there is severe Aortic stenosis. It benefits those patients who are at a high risk of surgery. Doctors put a catheter through the groin, which reaches the aortic valve of the heart. A wire crosses the aortic valve and another aortic valve mounted on the wire is deployed. The procedure is done by a heart team which includes cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, interventionists and anaesthetists.